Carpe Diem!

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If you win the morning you win the day. Hitting the snooze button is resisting the day.     For years I had been struggling with waking up early in the morning, anything before 9am I could do but not consistently; I wasn’t a morning person and I never would be. There are many things […]


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  I am always worrying about letting people down. But its inevitable considering how different people are. A hot date might not be impressed with my old beat up car and may be let down, but I would feel miserable having a nice looking $20,000 ball and chain. An Uncle may see my reluctance for […]

Who do you want to be?

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I went through 4 years of high school not knowing anybody’s name. I was popular due to being very good at wrestling and so people knew me, but I didn’t know anybody else’s name; I became an expert at saying “hey man” and “hey dude.” I was simply too shy to really talk to people, […]

The Decade Downers

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We all know that person who has put in a decade at the same dead end job, waiting and wishing for a promotion that seems to be just out of arm’s reach. They are trapped in a prison of their own making because they are unable to come to the realization that they are expendable. […]

The 5 £ of Success

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Some of you will be very familiar with this concept. It’s a clear sign that you’re on your way to success. Or it may indicate that you’ve already made it. The 5 £ of success is when through intense focus, many hours reading, researching, writing, testing, back testing, that you simply forget to eat. Not […]